For our second book club meeting in honor of my upcoming MG series RUBY STARR, we will be discussing JUST LIKE ME by the gifted Nancy J. Cavanaugh. JUST LIKE ME is a touching story about eleven year old Julia’s experience at summer camp where she learns to embrace herself and makes some good friends in the process. I chose JUST LIKE ME because it’s a book Ruby would love to read. Confession: I cried at least three times while reading this book and laughed more times than I can count.
Here are some questions to get your book club discussion started:
- Writing in the journal from Ms. Marcia helps Julia sort through her emotions about her own past. Have you ever written in a journal before? What was the experience like for you?
- Julia writes to Ms. Marcia about her blue baby blanket. What does this tell us about Julia?
- Vanessa says hurtful things to the other White Oak campers. What would you do if you were in her cabin?
- Why do you think Julia hides her adoption photo and doesn’t add it to her life collage? Why do Avery and Becca put their photos right in the middle of their collages?
- Gina is very open with Julia about her own life story. Do you think this helps Julia to share her own story? Why or why not?
- Which camp activity sounds like the most fun to you? What does this tell you about yourself?
- If you were Avery, would you forgive Julia for reading your journal?
- The girls tell Julia about times they pretend just like Julia pretends about her baby blanket. How does this change Julia’s views? Have you ever pretended about something important?
- If you were in the White Oak cabin, which camper would you be most like: Julia, Becca, Avery, Gina, Vanessa, or Meredith?
- Do you think Julia is peaceful when she leaves camp? Why?
Thank you for sharing! See you next month:)